Wednesday, December 3, 2008

11 weeks pregnant!

Wednesday December 3,

I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…. It has been a week since I last wrote but life has been a bit crazy so here is the Coles notes version:

Nov 27 nothing to report

Nov 28 Major melt down on my part resulting in the total fear of pregnancy.

Nov 29 Adam takes me shopping to every maternity store/consignment to find a jacket as mine won’t do up anymore. Apparently they sell out in September- I have settled for an enormous sweater. Ended up buying more well needed clothes for Adam than myself.

Nov 30 Went for lunch with Aunt, Uncle and family. Attempts to not mention pregnancy resulted in an awkward lunch.

Dec 1 First of the month was insane at work with ½ the staff

Dec 2 Continuation of yesterday except it ended with cranberry goat cheese, the loudest, longest burp in history and a bath. (not all at the same time)

That brings us to today. I have been pregnant for 80 days according to google. That means 200 more to go … does that sound right?

Anyways general concerns:

My enormous belly – what the hell I am not supposed to start showing for weeks. I have only gained 2 lbs but my stomach looks like I am 20weeks along!

The amount of time between appointments- It will be 5 weeks by the time I see the midwife again on the 17th. What have we done to screw up the baby in the 5 weeks?

Housing Situation- Where the hell will we live once the baby is born. I don’t want to live in a rental. I want a nursery, a yard, a stove. I need to spend my days there for 1-2years straight. I do not want to be in a rental.

Lily- Will she ever be 100% housebroken!!!!!!

Christmas Party- Will the goods stay in the package (ie low cut dress) Thank god I can’t drink.

Neurosis aside tomorrow is my Christmas Party. I organized a trip to Chemainus for dinner and then theatre which means minimal drinking & bitching amongst the coworkers I hope.

Well more to come on Friday.

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