Sunday, May 10, 2009

34 weeks pregnant!

Happy mother's day all
Adam and I did a prenantal photo shoot today before the baby drops anymore(it is heading south) and I get anymore stretchmarks (first ones on hips arrived yesterday).

I know some of these will be a little racy but let me say undergarments were involved. Adam did an amazing job with our point and shoot but compression I have to use to shrink the photos for the blog has definitely taken its toll on the quality of the photos.

Friday May 15th,
Well yesterday was a little unsettling. The last couple of days I have been having major Braxton Hicks (painless) contractions and yesterday some contractions that actually started to hurt a bit (not intensly nor organized). In the afternoon I wasn't sure if I sprang a leak or peed myself when sneezing and when I checked I realize a)sneezing sucks and b)I've started to dilate. Well you can go 3 or 4 weeks when you are just starting to dilate but the reality of it all shoke me up a bit. Diane Adam and I went to prenatal that night. When I went to the washroom I was spotting old blood. Again nothing to panic about but I decided to sleep it off last night and this morning no spotting and I feel much better. If it escalates in any way before my appointment on Tuesday I will call the midwife but as of right now nothing to be alarmed about. I just thought you should know, I'm having a baby at some point soon and by soon I mean between now and July.

Yesterday was my last day at work and this morning I got up bright and early to apply for maternity benefits. I am not sure why but I feel a little guilty not working- Oh well I am sure I will get over it when I am holding my screaming baby. My baby care class got cancelled due to "lack of interest". I am horrified! I am way way more concerned about care after the birth than before or during labour! nWhat are people thinking. I guess I am going to need to google it ;o)


sandra/mom/grandma said...


Mischa you look beautiful! Pregnancy agrees with you.

Great photography Adam! You should frame some of them.

Mischa Simpson said...

It is all Adam

Aunty Diane said...

You are a super HOT mama! You already know I love these photos. And I fully agree that being pregnant looks super good on you.

sandra/mom/grandma said...

Cross your legs and keep them that way! Junebug needs a few more weeks of growing. :)lol