Tada! Look at my lip. My first injury. Tiny cut LOTS of blood!
Great Grandma and Grampa Wandell
Uncle Bryn Feeding Colben
The Wandells!
The prettiest sisters in Saskatchewan- Megan Tanya and Joni
Our Family
On the road Dada
Colben and Mama on the road
Olympics downtown Vancouver
Mother and son
Auntie Maya Colben and Mama at the Art Gallery
Like father like son
Kid Harem
Playing guitar with Kane
Isaak and Caleb
Im a big boy now
Isaak Emily and Erin
The Thorhaug Great Grandkids
Great Grandpa Wandell
Colben's first kiss- Don't tell him its his 2nd cousin!
Auntie Cindy
Auntie Maya
B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan.........Canadian Vacation, eh! Great pics!
Thanks for posting the pictures, Misha. ^_^
Give Colben and Adam a hug from me.
Colben's nana, Mischa's mom, Adam's #1 fan
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