Here is the beautiful ring Adam bought. It is the most perfect Valentines gift ever. It is exactly what I wanted- simple, honest, design forward. I LOVE IT

Bad Parenting part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Our Junebug, Colben Hunter arrived June 13th, 2009. We created this blog for our friends and family to keep up-to-date with our team and to create a memory for our son. WARNING!!!!! ***If you see "TMI" as a title on the blog it is probably exactly what it says- Too much information and you will likely not want to read it if you are squeamish.***
Beautiful Photography Mishca. You always take such amazing photos. As always the little man is looking handsome. Just heard today that you will all be in Calgary for a visit sometime in March. Can't wait to see you! Xo
Grandma loves to hear you talk, you sweetie pie!
Mischa, the pics of Diane are great!
Great keepsakes for her.
Love to All,
Adam what a nice choice for a ring.
What a thoughtful boy!
I think your mother brought you up well!
The ring is beautiful - and the pictures of Dianne are fabulous! We love pictures of Colben!
Colben's Nana, Mischa's Mom, Adam's #1 fan!
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