What a busy time. Colben had his 1st birthday party today. It was a pancake breakfast and we had 6 babies and there parents and of course the Morton family. The weather was yucky so we kept it indoors and it didn`t seem to be crowded till the last few minutes when everybody was mulling about. Adam did all of the pancakes (Thanks dada!) toppings were real whip cream, homemade strawberry sauce, fruit salad, applesauce and vanilla yogurt. I have now ate 3 meals of pancakes (leftovers) and my tummy is not pleased :o)
His birthday cake was a pancake covered in whip cream and bananas. I was worried he'd grab the candle but before we could blow it out he dug into the cake. That's my boy!
I didn't get to spend too much time with Colben, he totally ditched us and visited with his friends.
For presents he was spoiled rotten. He received a ride on giraffe, a learning helicopter, a little people airplane, some shades, books, puzzles. What a lucky boy! We haven't bought him anything yet. I think I will wait until we go to the states.
Speaking of the States I cannot believe we are leaving in 10 days. I am soooo nervous. I feel like I am totally unprepared. Time to start making some lists!
On Saturday we had our big photo shoot. You want to talk about stressed you should have seen me try to get myself on my 2 men ready for the shoot. Colben my clockwork napper (2 hours after wakeup-no muss no fuss) that this was the day to eliminate the morning nap. Agggg! He continued with this trend today as well. I don't know if it is teething or if he really is ready for 1 nap a day. I will miss that extra time :(
Anyways, we will get to see the edited photos in a couple weeks so that we can choose the prints we want. I know the pics of Colben and Adam are going to turn out great, they were so natural, but I was nervous and very stiff.