Here is a picture of Calgary as of 12:45pm today. 2 more sleeps

Our Junebug, Colben Hunter arrived June 13th, 2009. We created this blog for our friends and family to keep up-to-date with our team and to create a memory for our son. WARNING!!!!! ***If you see "TMI" as a title on the blog it is probably exactly what it says- Too much information and you will likely not want to read it if you are squeamish.***
Can you please bring some warmer Victoria weather with you!!!!
Tuesday (tomorrow) I am buying all the stuff for the gingerbread houses . . . and the mince tarts!
BTW, your Dad and I just got a little white pomeranian - a boy we call Alex. He is really cute!
Colben's Nana, Micha's mom, and Adams' #1 fan.
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