Getting ready for Colben's 1st Shaw Christmas Party
Waiting for Santa
Colben's present from Santa (photo with Santa was professionally done and will be given to us later
Yum fist
You want some?
Playing with his new non-educational toy which he LOVES
Colben's new boots- all ready for winter!
We went to the multiiples parent group children sale and got Colben a toy bar, and some socks and THANK GOD we found a size large baby wrap as he has out grown his
This is the knited blanket I`ve designed for myself

This is how far I`ve gotten in the last couple of days. I think this going to be one of those "only-once" kind of projects. Notice underneath a couple of pics we finally got a new rug to cover our awful carpet
Please be advised no babies were harmed in the making of this movie. We were lying on a foamy and Colben rolled on his own freewill.
How did the visit with Santa go? Did Colben cry? Santa can be a scary guy!
Those are the cutest boots ever!
Good job rolling Colben! Looks like fun!
Love Ya
Colben was not scared of Santa at all. He just wanted to eat Santa's beard.
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