Today we took Colben to the pool for the first time. We expected to stay only a few minutes thinking it might be too much. Well were we ever suprised! An hour and a half of playing. Colben played pass with a ball, he floated on his back, he practiced his stepping/walking in the baby pool. He never once made so much as a fuss even when he got water in his eyes. What a good boy.
Wednesday was a busy day. On top of our daily walks with Marie-Eve and Olivia we went to baby group. Thhis time Colben stayed awake and could be heard chatting with all of the babies- much more so than he usually does with his mama and daddy. We then rushed to the health clinic to get his 2nd set of vaccinations. He is such a good boy and hardly makes a peep. We also weighed Colben for the 4th week in a row as per the health nurses instructions and he only gained 1 oz this week and 8 oz in a month. Not to sure about this nurse, she seems unconcerned that he is spitting up large volumes and is barely maintaning weight. Her answer for his constipation is to give him water (which Colben absolutely refuses to drink). Insted we have gone rogue and decided to give him baby probiotics which seems to be helping a bit (they better be for 30 buck for a bottle so small it could through my fridge shelf bars!) We also have an appointment with our Dr on Tuesday but I am lacking a bit of confidence there too. The nurse measured Colben as 26" at 3 months which was totally wrong as he is just about 25" at 4 months and she weighed him with all of his clothes on which every single health proffessional we have dealt with (and there has been a lot) says to strip the baby before weigh in.
Oh well.
I love these photos! Colben is so adorable
Can't wait to see you all this christmas
OMG! You all look sooo happy! So Colben is a little water rat!
I love these pictures. And the picture of Colben in his little blue chair. Too cute!
Roland fixed the internet connection on my laptop - I couldn't connect until yesterday.
Move over Michael Phelps.....Colben Thorhaug is in the pool!
So good to see you all looking so good.
What a beautiful little family!
Love to All
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