Colben is doing well. He received his first vaccines last week and is still a little out of sorts. My mouth is finally healing enough not to use pain killers. YAY mom isn`t stoned out of her gourd. Sadly during that time my milk started drying up and is virtualy non-existant now so Colben will be on formula completely. I am glad to have given him at least 2.5 months with my milk although ideally I would have fed for the first year. Colben is now squealing like a piggy in delight - it is so funny. He has now rediscovered his hands- man are they fascinating and delicious. Lots of cooing and smiles for daddy and daddy is teach me how to play with Colben. It is difficult because I find I am spending most of my tome on the practical stuff- feeding, cleaning, putting to bed, changing. I am trying to make a concious effort to spend more time just with Colben.
Today I bought a portable clothes line for the diapers and started using it which makes me proud. I am looking forward to making more diapers soon and I have had interest from others in buying some. Auntie Maya is in town and she will meet Colben for the first time on Monday.
Monday August 25th
Today was a busy day. Auntie Maya spoiled Colben rotten and played mum for the day. We went to the museum and out for a bite to eat.

After a long day Colben is off to bed in the sleep sac and head positioner that Auntie Maya got him.
1 comment:
Adam (I know I don't have to tell you this), make her feel special today!
Have a great day!
Love Mom
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