5 weeks old and a bit meaning we have almost made our first milestone- 6 weeks!
Not much to report Lactation Dr appointment tomorrow and our last midwife appointment on Wednesday.
Here are some pics ...
My sleeping angel. I am finally starting to put Colben in the basinette beside the bed during the day instead of keeping him beside me. He sleeps better and I am much less stressed. I do keep the moniter beside me though.
Colben all dressed up and ready to go for his daily evening walk with Adam and Lily
Lily enjoying their walk
Auntie Diane with Colben
Colben is wearing his Woombie- essentially a baby straight jacket which has eliminated the need of me pulling my hair out trying to swaddle a squirmy baby. It totally works although he has now taken to popping one hand out through the neck
Tuesday July 21,
Adam made me take the bath picture off! oy!
Well Colben and I are hitting the road today for shopping, dr appointment then baby class.
Here is his new hat I made on Sunday for him. Soon he should fit store bought hats that arn't touques.

Just got home. Today was bittersweet. I will not be a breastfeeding mama the doctor says. After 2 weeks of intense pumping, taking drugs my supply has not increased significantly. We have decided I will decrease my pumping from 10 times (which is unrealistic longterm) to 5 times a day. This will give Colben my antibodies is 2-3 feeds a day. There is a chance my supply may peter out but until then I will do my best to keep it up. On a happy note Colben has gained another pound! He is 8lb 14oz which is great news.
Wednesday July 22nd,
I am sad. Today was our last appointment with Julia, she has been so good to us. She is moving to a new midwifery group, the Cook Street one. I will definitely ask her to be my midwife next time. Hospital though...hospital.
Adam had the day off today and he is picking up the outdoor swinging bench we have tested out every time weve gone to superstore for the last 5 months. I love it (classic Mischa green) and it is now down to 50$. Pics of me relaxing to follow. (or pulling out my hair trying to put it together)
I can tell by the pictures that Colben has grown since I saw him. He is still soooooo cute!!!
Cute picture of you too Adam! If you want more pictures of Adam in the bathtub just ask me!! I've got a few. You always did like to pose in the tub Adam! lol ;)
Mischa, do not be upset. You have given Colben a great start with the breast milk that you have and he will continue to enjoy the benefits of breast milk and the lovely calories he needs from formula.
You are a wonderful, caring, loving mother!
Oh my God I love the picture! The hat is adorable, and look at his beautiful smile!!!
He looks like a little man!
Love to All
Hello Mischa, Adam, and Colben,
Sorry I haven't posted for a while, but I have been without internet since July 15. We are currently delayed in Weyburn Saskatchewan - truck problems - but never fear, I will be in Victoria before Aug. 6th.
We have reservations for Goldstream from Aug. 4 to Aug. 10. So you don't have to worry about accomodating all of us.
Sandra is correct - you have given Colben an excellent start in life - and both of you are clearly devoted parents. What more could a baby want?
I love the little hat you made for Colben, Misha.
Anyway - take care of each other. Give Colben a hug and a kiss from Grandpa David and Nana Beth.
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