BAGS ARE PACKED! Wow that took longer than expected to collect stuff for home and hospital birth but it all collected up and hanging out in the pool.
Today means today the baby is considered to term (37 weeks), 21 days till my due date (40 weeks), or 35 days till the baby will definitely be out even if they need to induce (42 weeks).
Tuesday June 2nd,
Happy Birthday Uncle Wade!
Thursday June 4th,
Today was a midwife appointment day. Stuff discussed/done
- Blood Pressure is down
- My FAVORITE midwife Julia who helps out to cover during vacations will be working the entire time of until I am due. YAY!!! I am so excited. If I go into labour starting 5pm on next Monday she will be my primary midwife (during weeks 38-39). After that she is the secondary midwife meaning she will arrive at the end of transition to help with the second stage (pushing).
- I did my strep B swap- (keep your fingers crossed for negative)
- baby is in the 2nd best starting position. Junebug is faced towards my back leaning towards my right side (Right Occiput Anterior - ROA)
Here is a bit of info
- Baby is moving into the pelvis and my tummy measurement is shrinking (Im sooooo skinny lol)
- We got our prescription for vitamin K our hospital paperwork to carry and our consent form for a homebirth.
- my protein levels in urine went down to "trace" amounts WOO HOO!
-Appointments from here on will be every week
Today I cleaned like a mad woman as the clutter was making me a little crazy. Tomorrow I will get down to the nitty gritty- closets, floor and my freaking bathroom.
The last 2 days have been sewing days as today I had to say goodbye to the sewing machine that was lent to me :o(
I will miss it dearly- bye Janome, bye.
Stuff that I finished this week are:
-6 diapers
-4 sets of nursing pads
-3 pee-pee teepees (stupid name but keeps baby boys from peeing in your face when changing diapers and more importantly a use for too small scraps of flannel I have lying around that would otherwise end up in the garbage

-5 pairs of baby legs (not what you think:

-a birthing cloth (a flannel sheet sewn to a shower curtain so it is soft but waterproof and I can go around the house with out fear of making a mess)
-and lastly a cover for the stroller bassinette.
I must admit the last 2 nights we have dipped into our frozen food reserves (not that we don't have enough) in order to save $. The shepards pie was so so but then again most shepards pie is so/so. Tonight we had macaroni chilli which was yummy. I tried one of my cliff bars- delicicious, and my banana bread that tastes like spiced cake but is great.
It has been super hot in Victoria - 31 degrees so I have been hiding in the basement. When I went out today at 9am it was cooking. I hope it goes down a couple degrees so that I can out for a walk after 8am. Well I am off to class- only 2 more to go.
Friday June 5th,
Another birthday! Happy birthday Nana Simpson (aka mom, aka Mischa's Mom, aka Beth, aka Michaela, aka that's Doctor Simpson to you!) expect a phone call when it is a decent hour.
Well we went to the 5pm showing of the movie "Up" and the entire movie I had some serious practice contractions. It all calmed down so no baby on mom's b-day, plus baby needs to wait- we have a wedding to go to tomorrow.
Yay, you're in the home stretch!
Cool pool! Does anyone take their socks and shoes off and get in there with you if they have to?
Adam start practicing your lower back rubbing skills. Mischa will be sooooo grateful.
Thanks for the birthday wishes!
But I have to say I object to the use of pee-pee teepees since getting peed in the face is a valuable bonding experience for any mother (or post-modern father). Am I right, ladies?
there has to be someone out there who thinks urine is a great antiaging facial if there are people out there who will actually drink it!
I could have used those pee-pee teepees many times over!!!!!!!
Especially in the middle of the night when I was half asleep anyway.
Leg warmers........I bet those came out of the eighties!
hummmm . . . is the countdown counter new? I hadn't noticed it before - it even measures in hours!
Well, we are all anxiously awaiting the arrival of our little Junebug - so we can do some serious shopping . . . gosh - I can hardly wait. ^_^
Adam - you will let us know as soon as Mischa goes into labour - right?
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