Monday June 8th,
Made it to 5pm!
Tuesday June 9th,
Off to the midwifes today- more later.
Well I am back and not the greatest news but could be worse.
I am Group B Strep positive which means our homebirth will have one extra step requiring me to go to the hospital once labour has started or waters have broken and receive an IV with antibiotics. After I receive my first dose the iv thing remains in my hand, I go home and will receive a dose every 4 hours to prevent passing it on to the baby. My temperature will be monitored to insure I do not develop a fever (very rare) and my waters will not be allowed to have been broken for longer than 18 hours.
This is the exact protocol for the hospital as well. I have been reassured that this is not an uncommon situation as 25% of women are positive and it is not considered an emergency situation- I will just be more closely monitored . Antibiotics is the only preventative as it can be passed to baby even by c-section.
My blood pressure was up today to 80 but I am thinking it was because I was just told I has GBS. Baby is measuring at 35.5 weeks which puts me at the 50 percentile. That means Junebug is dead average. 1/2 of babies are bigger, 1/2 of babies are smaller. This is not official but at 35.5 weeks the baby would typically weigh about 6lbs as per google so maybe this baby won't be so big...or not. Never the less the midwifes will check again next week and might have an ultrasound to check it out just to insure the growth is continuing.
Midwife says baby's head is nice and low. If my cervix is soft next week my midwife may sweep the membrane. This means during the exam the midwife/dr will separate the amniotic sac from the cervix using their fingers. This increases the change of labour within 48hours.
I got lots of exercise today. 2 hours of walking to and from appointment(although slooooow walking) and after a nice 1/2 hr swim to loosen up. I feel like jello now and am going for a nap.
Wednesday June 10th,
Well after careful consideration and a sleepless night I called the midwife this morning and asked her if for my peace of mind we could schedule my ultrasound for this week instead of a wait and see next week. She let me know she is not very concerned but she is going to book this week an ultrasound and a non-stress test (NST) for my benefit. I know myself and I think I would like the additional reassurance that everything is ok for our 1st homebirth. With GBS positive there is not much we can do but follow procedure but if there was anything else wrong that we could know about in advance I would want to know our options.
I will wait for the hospital to call back for scheduling. Midwife said probably on Thurs or Friday. This is good because usually the tech cannot tell you anything so by next appointment on Tuesday (39 weeks) we should have a response.
If you haven't heard the news Grandma Still bought a house yesterday!!!!!! We are so excited to have a new place to move into.......uh I mean visit. LOL
Hopefully at Christmas when Uncle Wade is visiting from Japan we will have a chance to go to Calgary and check out the new diggs.
UPDATE- Ultrasound and NST booked for Friday at lunchtime
Thursday June 11th,
Well today was one of the days I had in my head for Junebug to arrive (sorry S.O.L. not even a hiccup of a contraction) the other is June 25th so we will see. Today was nice- my friend Shandel came for lunch and I put a coat of plaster on the belly casting so that I can sand it to a finer finish in a couple days (fingers crossed). On a stupid note- I forgot to reapply. By that I mean I got sunburnt today -so stupid. I get very focused when working on projects and this one bit me in the ass. I hope it goes away before the birth because warm birthing pool + sunburn sounds awful!
Today is my last prenatal class so I should now officially know everything to do with childbirth (I say this laughing hysterically). I must say the classes were much, much more helpful than I would have imagined but regardless Junebugs birth will happen however it is meant to happen. I can just hope to be armed with a bit of knowledge. I know that Adam thoroughly enjoyed the classes and honestly I think I will miss them too and not just because of snack time cookies.
Friday June 12th,
We are back from the hospital.
Baby is weighing about 6.5 lbs so only a tiny, tiny bit underweight so those who have bets going this baby will likely be in the 7lbs(+) range at birth. YAY- no fat sugar baby! The head is very, very low the tech said. The ultrasound pic of the face is terrifying because it is smooshed to the side in my pelvis. Imagine a big gaping mouth pulled to the side- AHHH! Profile shots from 20weeks were much cuter! Baby is still ROA and is faced directly left. My placenta is actually in the back on my left side which means it has drifted left in the last 20 weeks as my uterus has grown. My amniotic fluid is a bit low but I am going to try to drink an extra lot of liquid even though I feel like I am always drinking as the heat might have affected the levels. This is likely what effected the fundal height measurement showing me behind a couple weeks. The head circumference in 31cm so think about that coming out! Junebugs legs are tucked up to its tummy and arms tucked under chin. At the non-stress test the baby was sleeping but eventually with a change of position we got Junebug to wake up and be as reactive as they would like to see.
Heartbeat was averaging 150bpm and my blood pressure was down 5 points!
In other news as mentioned before last night was our last prenatal class. Mid August we will have a potluck reunion at our house for all of the babies. 10babies in our backyard oy! At least we won`t be responsible for supplying the food- breastmilk smorgasboard.
Adam thinks I have lost weight since leaving the desk job- I think it is from the baby dropping. See for yourself (excuse the messiness I was sanding the plaster)

after! (what exactly is the difference Adam?)

Saturday June 13th,
Junebug is doing some serious practicing. I went to bed nauseous last night around 12:30am. I now think I am having contractions(?) Nausea is gone I think I slept it off. I am being woken up by what can be described as a peroid cramp/back pain. It is coming every 5 or mins (not timing yet) but the actual duration is less than 30 sec. It woke me up a while ago but I forced myself back to sleep. At this point although mild I don't think there is enough time in between to sleep. Heres another one!
....PS Nausea is back! arg
I am letting Adam sleep for now in case it fizzles out. Once it becomes more regular I'll get him up on a Tim Horton's run.
5:50am contactions are 4 1/2 mins apart lasting almost 1 min. I just came back from a walk with Lily to help keep things moving. I left a note for Diane to see me when she is up before work. This could stilll fizzle out so that contraction caught me off guard... 1min 1sec long and strong....anyways it could fizzle out at any time before active labour
8am owwwww.