Well it seem like a mother's intuition is correct after all- We have a June Bug and a Boo! First thing this morning we had an ultrasound after some concern from the midwives regarding my fundal height (how big my uterus is growing compared to how many weeks I am). You may recall at the start I had my suspicion of twins especialy with the super strong heartbeat. When twins HB is is very close it can sound like one loud one. Apparently what they "think" happened was one was hiding in behind the other. Anyways I am a little disappointed because they were so smooshed together we couldn't see if they were boy or girl (now that there are two I want to know damn it!) Adam is still in shock. Thank god we have so many people coming to help. Baby A is in the 54th percentile and Baby B 43rd percentile which is good the OB at the clinic said and that they are likely fraternal. This week is week 28 and the Dr says most twins are considered full term at 34-36 weeks - That means 6-8 weeks!!!!!!!!! What sucks is we will now be transfered to an OB as twins are considered too high risk for a midwife and home birth is definitely out of the question. :o(
Well time for work now, I will finish this post and more pics when I get home.

Happy April Fools!
You got me, I almost bought it.
Happy April Fools to you too!
This was NOT funny you two!! For anyone who reads this these two had me!!! I was reading this and yelling at Mischa "what the hell, why didn't you tell me!!!" It was an epic moment where tears of joy for them was streaming down my face!!!!! I was thrilled!! Two babies!! It was a friggin miracle....... Ha Ha April fools Diane. How gullable am I?
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