Junebug is officially the size of Adams favorite food- AN OLIVE.
We are officially suiting up to be parents.
This weekend we got ourselves a reliable automobile! It is a 2006 Optra Wagon and it rocks….in a mommy mobile kinda way. Our old one was a death trap Protégé and will probably be scrapped. It was so exciting to drive up a hill without the fear of stalling. Lol. There is lots of room in the back for stroller etc. This is the newest car we’ve ever owned so this is pretty exciting for us.
Today is 9 weeks. Once I hit double digits I think I will start feeling safe. This weekend we bought all of the stuff from Michael's to make our pregnancy announcements for Christmas to let our family & friends know. I occasionally have delusions of craftiness. We’ll see how it works out.
This weekend the morning sickness seemed constant. I have found something that makes me happy- california rolls: the other sushi. Real sushi is a big no-no during pregnancy because of the raw fish but thankfully North Americans who couldn't handle the thought of uncooked fish invented cooked sushi- Hooray for California Rolls!!!!!!
Well I am off to eat another roll.

Wednesday November 19th,
We apparently the most important thing to me right now is food because if you look at the last 10 posts I would say 80% references food somehow. Last night I had oh so delicious Glico Curry. Yum Yum Japanese Curry (the equivilant of japanese hamburger helper). I am noticing a pattern, my next craving is this triangle rice ball with cooked tuna and mayonais wrapped in seaweed that I used to get at the convenience stores in Japan.
I'm turning Japanese
I think I'm turning Japanese
I really think so
Turning Japanese
I think I'm turning Japanese
I really think so
Signing off,
PS the triangle rice thing is called Onigiri.

Friday November 21st
Apparently I should leave Japanese cooking to the experts. Tuna fish sandwiches are good.
Sunday November 23rd
Family pics

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