Well 24 recipes (aprox 50-60 meals),2 minor burns and zero cuts later we are done the cook off. Adam was a pro assistant taking battle orders like I never could without decking someone.
Lessons learned:
-Yes you can have too much shredded meats and southwestern food
-No matter how hot it is in the kitchen frying in a bikini top is a poor, poor idea.
-Pancakes cook fast, really fast
- food processors are the best applicance EVER!
-If you come and go from the house smelling like meat and don't aknowlege Lily, she will remember and will make you pay.
Kudos to the people upstairs for letting us have a freezer shelf and letting us take over the kitchen.
Tuesday May 26th,
I woke up last night with a sore throat so I am sitting on my butt watching baby shows on TLC. 6 more sleeps till we are to term (37 weeks)- meaning we are safe for a homebirth! Stay inside Junebug until Monday.
Friday May 29th,
3 more sleeps until in the clear. Today I bought some of the home birth medical supplies and tomorrow we are buying our birthing pool. We are splurging on a 20$ special from Canadian Tire :o) instead of the 150$ official birthing pool. All we are losing is the handles for the 2nd stage of labour for pushing. Our Doula prenal class instructor says that she has never actually seen a woman want to push in the pool but it is very valuable for natural birth during the transition period when contractions are the most intense. Knowing this I won't rule out anywhere for pushing but the toilet has been mentioned many times as a great place to push (until the very end of course)
Tomorrow we will finish up our just in case hospital bags and will blow up the pool to check it out for water depth.
Saturday May 30th,
GRRR pool I bought today is not 21" deep as advertised - more like 17" on a good day once we tested it- we will need to return it.
Sunday May 31st,
YAY strangers to the rescue. Never underestimate the kindness of strangers. A lady is lending us her fancy professional birthing pool that she never used as she had a c-section before she could use it. We will return the fishey pool from Crappy Tire. We are picking it up tonight and I'll take a picture once we blow it up!
Also more pics to come of today`s great adventure- Diane did our belly cast today and it turned out amazing. Next I need to let it completely dry a few days, I will cut the edges, replaster to smooth it out, sand it, then paint and varnish. It will be a good early labour project for me!
As for me I have not been sleeping more than an hour at a time and last night I got only a couple hours in total which has left me switching between delusional, delerium (in a good way), exhaustion,weepiness and general bitchness. Can't wait to get sleep when the baby comes- LOL!
...Well here is the belly caste. Adam's hand is the lower one, mine is the upper. It was really hard (and painful) to stay still for over an hour standing but it was worth it.
Adam practicing using the o'shit.... I mean pushing handles in the birthing pool
I could totally handle a pool perminantly in the kitchen