We have received several requests of what to get Junebug as a gift. Firstly thank you very, very much for your generosity!
Secondly please do not feel obligated to purchase a gift. During this time of economic uncertainty we would much rather have you in our child's life than in debt.
If you do wish to buy us a gift please don't think we are ungrateful but here are a couple suggestions:
We ask that you please don't purchase any clothes for Junebug until after he or she is born. We have hand me down newborn clothes and the baby will survive not being in the height of fashion for a couple weeks instead of being dressed entirely in yellow and green. When the baby is born Superstore and Old Navy have cute cool cheap clothes but don't feel you need to shop there.
Also (just a personal preference) please do not buy cartoon merchandise (example: Winnie the Poo, Mickey Mouse etc.) Mucho Gracias! :o)
We were looking at signing up at an official baby registry but it seemed like stores that offered it were also way over priced. Many of those same items are offered at other stores 25% cheaper. In that spirit we have opted out. We are going to publish a list of items on our wish list in this post in hope you will be able to purchase the gift where you want at the price you want.
If you plan on purchasing an item for us post a comment so that other readers know not to buy it too. Adam and I pinky swear promise WE WILL NOT READ COMMENTS ON THE BABY REGISTRY POST so that it will be a surprise. If you have questions or comments to send Adam or I please post the on the current weeks post. We will be updating the post from time to time as we think of stuff and we will make note in the current week's post.
To get to this post any time in the future there is a link on the blog to your left that says "Junebug's Baby Registry"
Well that was a big explanation. As you all know by now we have purchased most of our big ticket items used so if our ideas sound odd it is not because they are any less important we have just taken care of the big stuff. Please do not by the most expensive fanciest stuff- when there is a specific model we will mention it. If not go cheap or used! Online Craigslist, Kijiji, and used Victoria, eBay & amazon are great sources of used items but be careful of shipping and exchange rate on the two latter.
Thanks you and we love you all and please know we do not expect to receive all this they are mearly suggestions
Love Adam, Mischa & Junebug
Cheap Labour!:
- Help cook and freeze meals for us for when the baby comes
- Come help clean house, laundry etc when the baby arrives
- Offers for babysiting : We will take you up on this so be aware!
Under 25$:
-Set of 2 light dimmer switches
(vertical up down)
--wooden toys (ikea has lots of cheap ones under 10$)
-BIG Rubbermaid bins so that we can store upcoming clothes, toys and diaper sizes in storage
-2x Big industrial pails with lids so that I can soak cloth diapers before washing.
-Children's clothes hangers
-1X change table pads
-Baby Sun dome similar to this: http://www.dreamtimebaby.com/genProduct.html/PID/4780857/ctid/17?ci_sku=433564&ci_src=14110944
-Baby food freezer trays
-Seat saver - to put under your car seat so that you dot get food drink all over it.
-i-crib http://www.amazon.com/Munchkin-iCrib-Sound-System-Colors/dp/B000GB0O0O
-Cloth diaper shower www.parentingbynature.com/05_minishower.htm This is the idea but you don`t need to buy this model
- A battery recharger that takes all sizes with AAA, AA and C and D batteries (Kids toys take lots of batteries these days)
$50 and up (big ticket items)
-Closet Organizer for baby room
-Fisher Price Dwell Swing (used ok)