Big shout out to dad (Grandpa Simpson)- Happy Birthday!
Well we went to the ultrasound today and the results are in- We are having a baby! 147 BPM. I thought I saw some nuts and bolt but apparently girl parts look the same-ish in an ultrasound sooooo team green!
Today we started our gift registry, too many decisions. We will need to get it together another day because today was way overwhelming. Belly shot is at the very end of today's post
Anyways here are the picks with our interpatations for your viewing pleasure:
**Mischa's after note on the nuts and bolts- aparently the 3 lines I saw that I thought were boy parts have been associated with girl parts.....and boy parts. I will stop obsessing publicly now as it I am 1/2 way there to finding out. Yay- 20 more weeks. Adam has also informed me I am not an ultrasound technician.***

Wednesday January 28th,
It is like Christmas!!!!! My diapers are here!!!! And a possible lead on the zooper stroller for cheap.
Friday January 30th,
I woke up to an 4.5 earthquake at 5:30 this morning although I thought it was all a dream until confirmed later that morning. We now have a major wind storm passing through. By major I mean it was strong enough to push a pregnant lady along.
here is what it looks like inside right now:

PS Holy swollen feet Batman! my ankles have a roll and as of this morning my boots suddenly don't fit thanks to water retension. Not my fancy boots-they haven't fit in weeks but my big comfy purple boots I bought for exactly his reason :(
Saturday January 31st
Well we bit the bullet and settled on a stroller which we got in amazing shape used. Although it is not "pretty" it has amazing features and is definitely what we need. Boring pictures to follow...