Yeah, yeah, yeah... I know officially tomorrow is 14 weeks but after being gone from the Victoria office for a week I somehow doubt I will have a chance to post tomorrow. Well we were dumped on last night. Adam woke me up at 6:30am to let me know the car is stuck in the lane on his way to drivet to work. No taxis or busses were running do at 8:30 a tech came and got him. It is madness on the road. Thank god we got groceries yesterday even though we had to wait in line for 45 min with everyone else preparing for the storm. Victoria is not known for it quick snow removal (those 2 plows work hard though!) I finally took a picture of my belly for our dear readers. Well I'm off to go shovel snow.
I have been asked by several people how to see the picture and how to leave comments.
Pictures: Double click on the picture you would like to see and it will enlarge it to full size.
Comments: Click on the comment link below each post. Select name/url and type in your name so that we know who is writing. Type your comments into the comment box and press "publish your comment"
Well 1hr 1/2 later the driveway has been shovelled only to be recovered by the snow. Apparently it is to continue snowing until Christmas. Check out the snow man!
Killer Snowman

Killer Driveway

Oh here is the 12 week 4 day Ultrasound. It is really difficult to tell what the heck is going on in it but the head starts in the upper right quadrant.

Monday December 22nd,
Well yesterday we smashed the old record of 15cm with 32cm of snow fall yesterday on top of what we already had. Remind me that shoveling snow is pointless.
Wednesday December 24th
Merry Christmas to all of our friends and family!
We look forward to spending next Christmas with you and Junebug.
Friday December 26th,
Adam and I did the early morning boxing day madness in order to get a great new computer. Next stop Walmart for a digital camera.
Sunday December 27th,
I have given into the full panel and I like it. For those of you not familiar with the full panel it is the large stretchy fabric on maternity pants that goes all the way up over the belly as per below:
(Mischa's note- photo moved to week 15 post since it is one day short of wee 15 and not belly photo avail due to camera malfunction)
Cool no, comfterble yes.
Proper 15 week belly shot is to come tomorrow when we get our new camera.
On a sadder note Lily has taken up smoking. Cigars are expensive!