Sunday October 26th,
I have decided I am going to attempt to remain calm and rational until the beta comes back on Tuesday. I am pretty superstitious and yesterday before I got the call from the Dr I bought some maternity wear so I felt like I was jinxing it.
BTW at Old Navy right now (at least in Canada) all of their summer maternity capris which are regular $30 are 2 or 3$ on sale.-CRAZY! I bought 3 pairs because I will need them next spring and don't want to pay full price. Even if I end up a different size, for the 8$ I spent I can give them away and make some pregnant lady happy! Pregnant but still thrifty.
Monday October 27th,
I'm so glad we are in good standings with our local library, as our house is full of baby books! I have at least three to read, and am so happy that I am with a girl like Mischa, as she keeps me informed and learning.
I went and had blood taken for 3rd Beta. Results tomorrow hopefully. Keep fingers crossed. Here is an interesting link regarding hCG:
Tuesday October 28, 6 weeks preggo!
Woo hoo! my Beta is in 19456! average 45.25hr doubling time
Average hCG Beta at 26DPO is 6983 for singleton, 11512 for twins
Average doubling time is 47.86 hrs for singleton, 44.75 hrs for twins
Looks like one baby! (but it's still fun to tease Adam about the twins)
Wednesday October 29th
Nothing to Report. Very tired.
Thursday October 30th
I would like to state for all of those doubting Thomas' out there that Adam has been amazing since we found out we were pregnant. Despite his stubborn refusal to read any baby books (Is he illiterate?)he keeps the house tidy and cooks dinner for us. Once he learns how to become a masseuse he will be officially perfect.
As for myself I know I am not the skinniest girl but my stomach looks like I am 20weeks pregnant due to bloating but I havn't gained a pound- not cool, not cool at all.
I want to be a house husband. The whole doing laundry, having dinner ready within a timeframe, and cleaning up is gratifying. Mischa does seem happier if I have food for her as SOON as she gets home, which I can understand. Unless of course it's something that does not agree with her smell senses that day!
Friday October 31st -- HALLOWEEN
I have officially discovered the most comfortable Halloween costume for a bloated sick pregnant woman: anything that requires you to wear scrubs. This year I have decided to be an RCA because cleaning old man bums is very scary to me. I love my scrubs in fact I think my next career change will involve a career that requires them.
Monday November 3rd
This weekend was a toughie. Saturday Adam worked and I was at home sick and unhappy. Sunday I had to work for the day entering rent cheques and came home miserable. Nothing seems appealing to eat, I want a HOT bath, and my legs are constantly irritable. I think Adam is fed up with me and wants me to snap out of it. When Adam is pregnant he is welcome to snap out of it whenever he feels like it. Adam is taking me to Wal-mart today to go buy a bathing suit so that we can go swimming every day. It is the closest I will get to having a long bath which I long for. Tonight we will watch SNL’s final election special (the US election is tomorrow). We're excited for the ultrasound on Friday- 4 more sleeps!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
5 Weeks Pregnant!
Sunday October 19th,
I am looking forward to the ultrasound tomorrow although I am not sure if they will be able to see anything yet. I am feeling a bit down today and a little overwhelmed with the enormity of it all. I will be excited when I am dealing only with my midwife not 3 different doctors. This won't happen until December when I am out of the woods.
Monday October 20th,
7:30am I have been up since 6am and I am soooooo hungry/nauseous and I can't eat or drink until 10:30am due to the ultra sound. Last night I had cramps all night and could barely sleep. I checked to see if I was spotting but everything looks ok. I took another HPT and it was immediately dark which was releiving.
2:50pm TMI WARNING!!!
My experience today at the ultrasound was awful. For the first one (abdominal) I was so hungry I almost threw up. My second one (pelvic)I had to pee so badly while waiting I started crying. Both technicians were impossible to understand due to thick accents and they both repeated each sentence twice like Jacob two-two. The pelvic guy was Russian and a total jerk. When he started he said he found no sign of pregnancy! I said highly unlikely so he did a T.V. ultrasound and said "oh you have a tilted uterus I can see now." No shit, if he had of read the rec sheet he would of known that instead of making me think the I wasn't pregnant for 5 minutes. He would not let me look at the screen, he would not let me have a picture- not very confidence building. While holding my knees to my ears he asked if I was comfterable. Jokingly I said "As much as I can be under the circumstances." He the replied " Well you know it is not like we enjoy doing this" Fuck you, do your job. I was shaking I was so mad. When I got home I started telling Diane but she already knew who I was talking about because she had a similar bad experience with that tech.
I have rescheduled my dr's appointment until Thursday when the ultrasound will be back.
What a rotten day- I am going to go have a spoon of icing.
Tuesday October 21
Adam and I are telling the bosses today. oy.
So I decided today to tell my boss about our pregnancy, and it went well. It's pretty important that he knows about this, as who knows what time I'll have to ask off! Good relations are always important at work. I think he felt special, as I sworn him to secrecy from my peers, as I will tell them in due time. Nik could not wipe the smile off his face! Even though he has told me multiple times that kids are no good.
Mischa also told her work, so we are all good for taking time off.
I'm excited!
Wednesday October 22
Feeling good today, no cramps so far. I woke up at 1, 2, 5am but I don't feel tired.
Thursday October 23rd
4:02 pm
Well I went to the Doctor today and I guess when I confirmed that my ultrasound result had arrived I assumed since both were done at the same time that they would arrive at the same time. Nope. The abdominal ultrasound arrived but no pelvic ultrasound.
Oh well. I found out what my first beta result is 14DPO @ 4pm 194, my 2nd was 16DPO @ 10am 500 which means my doubling time was 30.75 hrs.
Average hCG Beta at 14DPO is 100 for singleton, 201 for twins
Average hCG Beta at 16DPO is 197 for singleton, 393 for twins
Average doubling time is 38.43 hrs for singleton, 38.83 hrs for twins
Other than that nothing relevant.
Friday October 24th,

Saturday October 25th,
I am feeling awful. The doctor called to say they finally found the ultrasound done on Monday. He is concerned that the gestational sac was measuring only 4mm at 19DPO. I am having another beta done on Monday to make sure my hCG is increasing still. I feel like I am being punished for getting my hopes up again. I know it is silly to think this way but after a while you start getting supersticious. I feel hopeless until I find out the next beta which should be at least 16000. I won't find out until Tuesday at the earliest.
I am looking forward to the ultrasound tomorrow although I am not sure if they will be able to see anything yet. I am feeling a bit down today and a little overwhelmed with the enormity of it all. I will be excited when I am dealing only with my midwife not 3 different doctors. This won't happen until December when I am out of the woods.
Monday October 20th,
7:30am I have been up since 6am and I am soooooo hungry/nauseous and I can't eat or drink until 10:30am due to the ultra sound. Last night I had cramps all night and could barely sleep. I checked to see if I was spotting but everything looks ok. I took another HPT and it was immediately dark which was releiving.
2:50pm TMI WARNING!!!
My experience today at the ultrasound was awful. For the first one (abdominal) I was so hungry I almost threw up. My second one (pelvic)I had to pee so badly while waiting I started crying. Both technicians were impossible to understand due to thick accents and they both repeated each sentence twice like Jacob two-two. The pelvic guy was Russian and a total jerk. When he started he said he found no sign of pregnancy! I said highly unlikely so he did a T.V. ultrasound and said "oh you have a tilted uterus I can see now." No shit, if he had of read the rec sheet he would of known that instead of making me think the I wasn't pregnant for 5 minutes. He would not let me look at the screen, he would not let me have a picture- not very confidence building. While holding my knees to my ears he asked if I was comfterable. Jokingly I said "As much as I can be under the circumstances." He the replied " Well you know it is not like we enjoy doing this" Fuck you, do your job. I was shaking I was so mad. When I got home I started telling Diane but she already knew who I was talking about because she had a similar bad experience with that tech.
I have rescheduled my dr's appointment until Thursday when the ultrasound will be back.
What a rotten day- I am going to go have a spoon of icing.
Tuesday October 21
Adam and I are telling the bosses today. oy.
So I decided today to tell my boss about our pregnancy, and it went well. It's pretty important that he knows about this, as who knows what time I'll have to ask off! Good relations are always important at work. I think he felt special, as I sworn him to secrecy from my peers, as I will tell them in due time. Nik could not wipe the smile off his face! Even though he has told me multiple times that kids are no good.
Mischa also told her work, so we are all good for taking time off.
I'm excited!
Wednesday October 22
Feeling good today, no cramps so far. I woke up at 1, 2, 5am but I don't feel tired.
Thursday October 23rd
4:02 pm
Well I went to the Doctor today and I guess when I confirmed that my ultrasound result had arrived I assumed since both were done at the same time that they would arrive at the same time. Nope. The abdominal ultrasound arrived but no pelvic ultrasound.
Oh well. I found out what my first beta result is 14DPO @ 4pm 194, my 2nd was 16DPO @ 10am 500 which means my doubling time was 30.75 hrs.
Average hCG Beta at 14DPO is 100 for singleton, 201 for twins
Average hCG Beta at 16DPO is 197 for singleton, 393 for twins
Average doubling time is 38.43 hrs for singleton, 38.83 hrs for twins
Other than that nothing relevant.
Friday October 24th,

Saturday October 25th,
I am feeling awful. The doctor called to say they finally found the ultrasound done on Monday. He is concerned that the gestational sac was measuring only 4mm at 19DPO. I am having another beta done on Monday to make sure my hCG is increasing still. I feel like I am being punished for getting my hopes up again. I know it is silly to think this way but after a while you start getting supersticious. I feel hopeless until I find out the next beta which should be at least 16000. I won't find out until Tuesday at the earliest.
The first week (4weeks pregnant) Oct 12-18
This is what happened the first week:
Oct 12
I managed to keep myself from testing this morning but last night I felt pre-cramps before bed and am not overly confident in this cycle.
oct 13
6:30am holy crap 12DPO! It is now 6:30am in Victoria, BC and I have just spent the last 1/2 hour analizing my second line. Adam sees it so I am not insane but it is very faint. The line is as wide as the first line but very light pink. Adam is taking the day off work and is coming back with food which is good because I may just eat my puppy right now I am so hungry. Wow what a morning.
I just did another test (to make sure the first wasn't an evaporation line.) and it came out again with the faint line. Thank goodness for cheap internet strips as I will be testing quite a bit I think.
Honestly no real symptoms that couldn't be attributed to regular life. At 8dpo my BBT/basal temps dipped looking like and implantation dip. My temps bounced back the next day and are slowly, very slowly getting higher. I was a super hungry pit this morning but I was last month too and BFN. My bb's arn't any bigger although I prick in one this morning and a headache on one side of my temple.
I tested again 2hours later with 2nd morning pee and got a faint line again. My RE office is closed for the holiday today so I will call tomorrow. My biggest fear is the "evaperation line". (They can be mistaken for a positive) I am not sure what it should look like in case that is what I am seeing. I did use the same ones last month and no evap line then just a blank empty space.

Oct 14
I tested again this morning and still light pink. It doesn’t appear to be very much if at all darker. I am concerned that my hCG levels aren’t rising. I left a message with the Dr’s office to call me today but I will be surprised if I get a call back as I am sure it will be crazy there after the holidays. This month was a natural cycle as we were going to start treatments the cycle after HSG so there has been no monitoring except an ultrasound at cd6 which showed 22cysts on one ovary resulting in the PCOS diagnosis. I have had 2x m/c and I am wondering if it is too late to start progesterone to maintain early pregnancy. I am feeling a little panicky today thinking every little thing might be an AF cramp. On the positive side I woke up with sore dense bb’s and a wee bit queasy today. The weird pseudo-headache continues on and off.
So weird to think of that as a good thing.
I will admit it only to you - I am a poasaholic. (poas= pee on a stick)
I bought a First Response as I have been using internet strips from and I had heard a lot of them get evaporation line. We the beautiful perfect line was the same colour as the control - not the ambiguous faint pink. If you are not sure about your internet cheapies I would definitely recommend splurging for one fancy test. Adam and I voted today. I was sad to see the conservatives elected again but I am not suprised. I was hoping to see a more family friendly party elected. I bought Adam a baby book for fathers at his request. Adam is really sick and has been too out of it to really be a part of bfp excitement which has kinda got me down.
oct 15
AFM- Not sure if preg related but I have been extremly clumsy the last 2 days. I shrugged it off as multiple coincidences but this morning I dropped my whole new jug of milk and picked up my curling iron by the hot part resulting in a wicked burn on my hand, I am unble to speak, and I am constanly tripping.
Oct 16
I am cautiously hopping on the baby train. I went to the Dr. yesterday and had 7 vials drawn for every screening under the sun. I swear to god if they had taken that much blood at Red Cross at least I would of gotten a cookie and a glass of OJ.
The doctor said I would only receive a call if there was an issue as he believes we should assume the best. Normally I would balk at this but for myself I know I would be analyzing every result worrying myself into a frenzy. As my RE he will be following me until the end of the first trimester at which point the baton will be handed to my midwife. Oh yeah WooHOO! I got my midwife. If you wern’t aware it is very, very difficult to get a midwife. I caled in 3 days after the first positive and they were already over booked. They had a big meeting to decide who they were going to take and the next day I got the call. This is exciting for the following reasons:
1. I get to have a home birth.
2. The MW -midwife is the president of the BC association so established
3. There are 3 MWs in the group so that one does appointments 2 do the birthing that week.
4. The office is close to my work
5. The MW’s have been practicing since 1979 so oldies but goodies
My EDD is June 23rd which means if I keep my legs crossed I’ll still be able to go to Sasquatch Music Festival in May if I buy the best travel insurance every. It is only less than 1.5 hr to Cranbrook. We’ll see.
So far symptoms are: big, colourful breasts, change in sleep (4am internal alarm clock), general clumsiness and stupidity, and worst of all the other big C- if you need to ask you just don’t understand.
oct 17
I woke up this morning my right bottom rib severely hurting towards the middle. I thought I pulled a muscle and went to the walk-in clinic Dr to see what kind of medicine if any I can take. He started pushing and it hurt so much I couldn’t help but start crying. The clinic doctor then called my RE and they agreed it is likely my gallbladder. Now I have been eating very well with little fat and high fiber so I was a little confused about it being my gallbladder until I found out 12% of pregnant women have gallbladder problems due to the surge in estrogen which slows everything down. I have just had bloodwork (again) and I have a pelvis and abdomen ultrasound are booked for Monday Oct 20th. My RE says it is highly unlikely etopic pregnancy because it would be too early for this kind of reaction. I feel a little crampish (no pain though) and am terrified of another m/c. I dreamt last night I was spotting.
oct 18
After the whole gallbladder attack yesterday and the m/c dream I have been a little on edge. When I got home from buying new accomadating bras (the uglier the more comfterable)I saw I had a message from the walk-in clinic I went to yesterday. I started panicking a bit because of the blood work for liver/gallbladder and the girl said to call back as soon as posible. Well it was just the doctor on today calling to say I am pregnant (no kidding). I asked him what the beta was (16DPO) and he said 500. Now I am not sure how good this is because I don't know what my first beta is to compare to but....500 is high though not unheard of for a single pregnancy at 16 DPO and is even a bit higher than the adverage multiple.
I swear to god we have not used fertility drugs!
I have noticed my tummy is swollen/distended- not a baby bump. I am on a meesage board with other pregnant women due June/09 and they all seem to have the same problem. The General concensus is gas/bloating related.
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